
APREDIN has a long experience in supporting entrepreneurs. Previous actions included capacitation programs with Portuguese municipalities and the MED Technopolis project.

Presently, APREDIN is certified by IEFP to provide support to entrepreneurs as an EPAT in the “Apoio Técnico à Criação e Consolidação de Projetos (ATCP)” program. We can provide free of charge services to help entrepreneurs develop their projects and (after startup) services to support the consolidation of the business in the first two years of activity. Contact us for further information.

Erasmus + – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training


 1. Main objectives:

The aim of the project is to support the personal and professional development of tourism workers in partner countries. It will promote accessibility over time to a set of OERs on digital and green skills and guide the operators of the sector towards rethinking their business models in a circular key, exploiting new digital technologies, with the guidance of green-tech infusion coaches aligned in an international mobility. Finally, the partnership will disseminate the learning path and relative tools for digital and green upskilling.

 2. Main actions:

The intention is to co-design and implement a TRAINING PROGRAM FOR GREEN AND DIGITAL UPSKILLING FOR TOURISM OPERATORS and relative didactic tools consisting of OERs. From the episodes of the Educational TV program users will be able to access interactive video training pills, including narrative crossroads and a Green Tech-Infusion Toolkit to allow trainers to guide operators in rethinking business models following  alignment on green-tech infusion in a mobility.


Vocational Education and Training
CONFORM – Consulenza Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l.
TRANSCOOP –  Agency for Transnational Training and Development

The Chamber system
CCSEV – Camara Oficial De Comercio Industria Servicios Y Navegacion De Sevilla
APREDIN – Associação Promotora Rede Dinâmica XXI

The academic system
UA – Universidad de Alicante

Local development
SVEM – Sviluppo Marche

Destination Management Organisation
TTO – Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation

Technological Innovation
G-TECH – Fondazione Organismo Ricerca GTechnology


Call conditions available here.

Interreg Med 4helix+

“Empowering the 4 helix of MED maritime clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community-based approach in favour of MED blue growth” (# 3MED17_1.1_M2_003)

2018/02/01 – 2020/10/31
Budget €2.193.983
Website: https://4helix-plus.interreg-med.eu


The 4helix+ is a project designed to encourage, train and finance innovation within sectors of Blue Growth in the Mediterranean (MED). The 4helix+ project was intended to upgrade transnational innovation process in both traditional and emerging Blue sectors in the eight MED regions by establishing and organizing a cyber space, blue bootcamps, a transnational brokerage event, regional info days and an innovation voucher scheme.

The 4helix+ awarded EUR 480.000 to at least 48 blue projects (SMEs/startups) under its Innovation Voucher Scheme. With its transnational partnership network and objectives, the project contributes to relevant EU macro-regional strategies and innovation policies.

Ericeira, Portugal 2018
Ericeira, Portugal 2018